Today’s mobile device technology is rapidly evolving and expanding. As a result, mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and even wearables are utilized not only for personal use, but also by businesses and corporations as essential tools that drive essential aspects of their operations, such as customer experience, productivity, and operational cost reductions.
“According to a survey conducted by PwC, 81% of 1,322 CEOs from 77 countries viewed mobile devices as an important business tool,” said Deddy Sudja, President Director of Helios, on Thursday (23/02/2017) in Jakarta.
Henceforth, Helios, as a subsidiary of CTI Group, offers enterprise mobility solutions by using Samsung Knox. Therefore, Helios will offer smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices like smartwatches for enterprise by Samsung Knox with integrated security ranging from the application level to its hardware.
“Knox can provide security down to the hardware level,” explained Deddy.
He claims that workers who implement this mobility solution in the workplace will receive a device with separate containers for business and personal data. Specifically for work devices, companies have the right to develop customized programs and limit certain smartphone capabilities due to future security concerns.
“For example, when employees are in work mode and discover confidential information, they will be unable to take a screenshot. Samsung Knox has imposed stringent restrictions on certain settings, rendering this feature inoperable,” explained Deddy.
Through this partnership with Helios, Samsung Electronics Indonesia’s IT and Mobile B2B Group Head Roy Nugroho hopes to increase customer awareness of the significance of mobile device security.
“We recognize the importance of data security for all businesses in the digital age,” he stated.
Roy only mentioned the company’s characteristics in response to our inquiry about which Indonesian businesses have implemented this solution. He continued, “This solution has been implemented in the systems of a financial institution and a transportation company.”