The fourth industrial revolution requires all business sectors to adopt technology. To remain competitive and sophisticated, all organizations that exist today must begin to adapt. Today’s rapid technological progress has brought many alternative choices for many businesses in running and improving their operations.
Utilizing the existing cloud computing technology is one of the solutions. Cloud computing is not only a trendy and innovative solution, but also a relatively new business model that is relevant to any type of businesses, both large and small. More and more businesses are beginning to build their business models around cloud computing, which has now become the current trend in data center administration.
Cloud computing is not a new concept. Many large companies are already utilizing it to save more time and prevent human error. Cloud computing is an IT service that provides flexibility for customers with large-scale virtual servers for data management, making it easier for businesses to run their operations. This technology enables data and applications to be saved and accessed via the internet from any device and from any location.
Cloud computing emerges as the primary option for new businesses that do not have sufficient capital to purchase massive IT systems or are unwilling to pay maintenance charges. Cloud computing can be the solution to reducing enterprises initial investments. Companies can use this service to rent services from cloud providers without incurring maintenance charges. Cloud-based IT service providers must ensure the security of their services. Cloud computing-based IT services also make it easier for users to run programs without installing software and to access data and information over the internet.
Types of Cloud Computing Based on Its Services
Cloud computing bukanlah satu bagian dari teknologi seperti telepon genggam. Sebaliknya, cloud computing ini merupakan sistem yang utamanya terdiri dari tiga layanan yaitu:
1. Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
According to Techradar, SaaS is a software that is utilized as a service and is online. SaaS is usually provided via the pay-as-you-go or on-demand method.
2. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
IaaS, or Infrastructure as a Service, is a cloud service model that primarily consists of a physical server and a virtual server. It is not essential to purchase extra hardware for IaaS, all the requirements are already available in the cloud system. Cloud resources such as servers, networks, storage, and data center rooms are provided by IaaS service providers. IaaS is a service that allows you to utilize a server without having to physically buy computers and equipment as well as performing regular maintenance and device configurations.
3. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
PaaS, which stands for Platform as a Service, is a cloud service that provides a platform for customers to build applications on. PaaS provides developers with a platform that allows them to build and customize their apps. When you utilize a PaaS model service, the corporation or a third-party provider manages all servers, storage, and networks. Developers, on the other hand, are permitted to manage application management.
The Pros of Cloud Computing Technology
Utilizing cloud computing technology can provide numerous benefits and profits to corporate businesses, including:
1. Cost-efficient
Saving more money is the primary reason why businesses want to migrate to the cloud. Using cloud computing saves a significant amount of money on hardware allocation. Cloud computing also does not require maintenance and consumes less electricity.
2. Efficiency and High Scalability
One of the primary advantages of cloud computing is the flexibility to scale up and down in real-time based on demand. More RAM usage, hardware or CPU space can be added quickly. Instead of purchasing more RAM, consumers can request cloud providers to add or renew the Gigabyte capacity. Users can also reduce or downgrade their RAM to its original capacity.
3. Flexible Utilization
When your data is too large, the cloud will automatically increase capacity in minutes through self-provisioning. As a result, extra computers are not required. Aside from that, since the data is stored on an internet server, users can access it anytime and anywhere they want as long as their computers or PCs are connected to the Internet.
4. Centralized Data in the Server
Many businesses are migrating to cloud computing because of the ease of access to cloud machines. It is accessible from anywhere and at any time, as long as you have an internet connection. For instance, when users save data in a cloud server synchronized with their work computer and smartphone, they can access the data at the same time, thanks to its cloud-based server.
5. Higher Security Level
Many people believe that storing data in the cloud means putting business security at risk. However, in fact, today’s cloud solutions have a far tighter and greater level of security than on-premise solutions.
6. Better Accessibility
The emergence of cloud on the internet has enabled users to access any data from a distance without physically being in the office. This perk has enabled users to freely conduct business from anywhere and at any time.
The Cons of Cloud Computing
The usage of cloud computing provides a lot of benefits and profits for companies. However, this technology also have some shortcomings you need to watch out, such as:
1. Dependency on Internet Connection
Internet merupakan jalan satu-satunya untuk mengakses cloud computing. Ketika tidak adanya koneksi internet di tempat Anda, secara otomatis akses ke cloud computing akan terputus. Dari sinilah hambatan terbesar yang tengah terjadi di Indonesia, karena belum semua seluruh wilayah telah terjangkau oleh akses internet.
2. Must Find Properly Standardized Vendors to Ensure Security
In utilizing a cloud computing system, you must fully entrust the security and confidentiality of your data to the cloud provider. Therefore, you have to look for a cloud computing partner that has been officially certified or is ISO standardized to keep your security intact.
Corporate data security is the most vital concern for businesses. Using a cloud computing solution will provide even greater security. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), a global management consulting organization, recognized security and data privacy concerns as the primary barriers preventing companies from adopting cloud computing.
Therefore, BCG proposes six strategies to promote cloud computing adoption in Indonesia. The first step is to connect cloud computing adoption with the company’s goal. Second, determine the most efficient and effective migration route. Third, understand the significance of cloud computing. Fourth, develop both internal and external digital talent. Fifth, ensure cloud computing cyber security. Lastly, create a dependable future architecture.
When utilizing a cloud computing system, you must totally entrust the security and confidentiality of your data to a trustworthy cloud provider. We, Helios team, are ready to assist you. Please contact us right away through our Contact Us page, or email a Helios representative at